antiX Openbox & Xfce Respin (draft version release)

Hello all.

I have just created a variant (respin, draft release) snapshot of antiX19-alpha2. It contains two non-antiX standard desktops:

  1. Openbox
  2. Xfce.

Things I did not worry about in this initial version include:

  1. Wallpapers: I provided a bunch. Pick something you like. I’m agnostic in that realm. I like what I like; and, I am happy to admit you should enjoy what you like.
  2. Themes: I have not really dug into that area very much for this version. Openbox uses Numix with Greybird & Xfce uses Flat-Remix with Greybird
  3. Icons: I have used the flat-remix icons on both Desktops.
  4. Fonts: I used Roboto.
Openbox screenshot
Xfce Desktop Screenshot

Here is what and how I added to the base antiX19-alpha:

  1. I added xfce minimal (via package installer).
    sudo apt install xcompmgr tint2 xcompmgr gnome-disk-utility fonts-roboto-hinted baobab fonts-roboto-hinted tumbler tumler-extras gvfs gvfs-backends light-locker lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings greybird-gtk-theme xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin obconf obmenu openbox
  2. I build obmenu-generator using:
    sudo apt-get install build-essential cpanminus git && git clone git:// && sudo cp obmenu-generator/obmenu-generator /usr/bin && mkdir .config/obmenu-generator && sudo cp -r obmenu-generator/ ~/.config/obmenu-generator/ && sudo cpanm Linux::DesktopFiles && sudo cpanm Data::Dump && sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/obmenu-generator && obmenu-generator -p -i

Code & changes to the base includes:

  1. I built a new tint2 taskbar for use on Openbox. (basic script included in the installation).
  2. I turned off and removed the four native antiX window managers (iceWM, fluxbox, jwm, herbstluftwm).
  3. Openbox uses tint2 as its taskbar.
  4. Openbox uses xdesktop as its Desktop & wallpaper manager (it shares a common desktop with Xfce).
  5. Tint2 in Openbox uses obmenu (obmenu-generator)
  6. I used 5.0.9 antiX kernel (because I could, I guess.)
  7. I removed spaceFM & rox-filer.
  8. Conky has s few fancy (for me) tweaks. It should magically report any active network connects via eth0, wlan0, tun0, usb0. If you have a different network connection (name) you will need to modify conky to allow yours to be reported.
  9. As for where to find each conky:
    — Xfce uses $Home/.conkyrc
    — Openbox uses $Home/.conky/
  10. I removed Slim (Display Manager) and replaced it with LightDM

All standard antiX tools/scripts have been maintained and the antiX control centre etc. remains intact (so far as I can tell). Although, I ‘may’ have introduced a few new bugs/ or perhaps uncovered a couple of latent bugs.

Known Open Issues/ Bugs:

  1. I messed up and lost the install icon. Please use terminal with the following command for installation. (user: demo/ pwd: demo)
    sudo minstall

Here is the location for the download/ snapshot:

Please report bugs, problems, concerns as you find them. Here’s a place to reports issues, hopes, desires (for this respin). I greatly appreciate your using my Ticket Tracking System (osTracker) if you don’t mind–  eirenicon Help.

Thanks & have fun.