This is an update/ report on my bspwn Journey.
I continue to especially enjoy using bspwm… I hope folks find some of my learnings reasonably helpful. Below you will find links to dotfiles on github & gitlab; mind you these will require edits and tweaks depending on your setup/ distro/etc.
My environment uses my own customized bspwm, hlwm (Herbstluftwm) setup derived from materials I “procured” from antiX, arcolinux, manjaro, and anywhere else I was able to dig and ‘borrow’.
Some of the major components I use include:
- Pywal to change the colors and wallpaper with every terminal load.
- sakura is my terminal of choice
- polybar is the panel
- rofi for select online help files and menus plus workspace activities
- zenity & yad for other help and dialog functions
- conky because I can…
- networking is with connman
- bash scripts
I run this ‘setup’ on both manjaro & MXLinux 19 (Debian) machines; polybar likes manjaro better.
Note: Both bspwm & hlwm look essentially identical on my desktop and they share common use of a single sxhkdrc.
Here are the dotfiles:
Remember, like with all of my work, I am able to provide the following assurance(s):
- It is almost certainly going to work until it breaks; although I have to admit it may never work and that would be sad.
- When/if it does break, you may keep all of the pieces.
- If you find my materials helpful, both you & I will be happy, at least for a little while.
- My advice is worth every penny you paid for it!