Build & Maintain Help Across Distinct Desktops- Part 2
To begin this second post of shared help series, I will provide a bit of detail on the environment this help system is designed to support. You should consider this…
To begin this second post of shared help series, I will provide a bit of detail on the environment this help system is designed to support. You should consider this…
Because my "remembry" (to quote Winnie the Pooh) is not what it used to be, I have begun a project to make it easier for me to access and remember…
This is the first article in a series. Yes, it is possible to create a homogeneous look across multiple window managers (wm). In this series, I will discuss and demonstrate…
For those who are interested in having a version of BunsenLabs (Lithium) running on MX19 and/or antiX19, I have begun work on that task. Right now I have no plans…
Have you considered building an even more 'custom/unique' xfce4 desktop??? If you want a true signature xfce4 (or gnome or kde or...) desktop, you might consider replacing xfwm (or your…
I have to say, I am a fan of Yad (Yet Another Dialog). I use Yad as my primary "dialog tool" (in bspwm) to manage actual work & task functions…
Because I frequently want to know what is active on my current 'workspace,' as well as across all my workspaces, I have enabled and use two tools/approaches: rofi: rofi provides…
I have constructed a help system for use on my MX Linux 18.3 bspwm desktop. As an old guy, I need all the memory help I can get! Also because…
This list is under development. Please let me know of good online tutorials. A Example of whiptail menu with function Shell scripting adventures (Part 3, Terminal-based dialog boxes: Whiptail) How…
This list is under development. Please let me know of good online tutorials. Zenity - GUI for Shell Scripts Zenity – Creates Graphical (GTK+) Dialog Boxes in Command-line and Shell…