Build & Maintain Help Across Distinct Desktops- Part 1
Because my "remembry" (to quote Winnie the Pooh) is not what it used to be, I have begun a project to make it easier for me to access and remember…
Because my "remembry" (to quote Winnie the Pooh) is not what it used to be, I have begun a project to make it easier for me to access and remember…
This is the first article in a series. Yes, it is possible to create a homogeneous look across multiple window managers (wm). In this series, I will discuss and demonstrate…
For those who are interested in having a version of BunsenLabs (Lithium) running on MX19 and/or antiX19, I have begun work on that task. Right now I have no plans…
Have you considered building an even more 'custom/unique' xfce4 desktop??? If you want a true signature xfce4 (or gnome or kde or...) desktop, you might consider replacing xfwm (or your…
I have to say, I am a fan of Yad (Yet Another Dialog). I use Yad as my primary "dialog tool" (in bspwm) to manage actual work & task functions…
Because I frequently want to know what is active on my current 'workspace,' as well as across all my workspaces, I have enabled and use two tools/approaches: rofi: rofi provides…
I have constructed a help system for use on my MX Linux 18.3 bspwm desktop. As an old guy, I need all the memory help I can get! Also because…
This list is under development. Please let me know of good online tutorials. A Example of whiptail menu with function Shell scripting adventures (Part 3, Terminal-based dialog boxes: Whiptail) How…
This list is under development. Please let me know of good online tutorials. Zenity - GUI for Shell Scripts Zenity – Creates Graphical (GTK+) Dialog Boxes in Command-line and Shell…
This list is under development. Please let me know of good online tutorials. YAD (Yet Another Dialog) Multiple-item data entry with YAD YAD- Yet another dialog (Wiki) a detailed Yad…