Big Brother Matrix
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Keep ‘Big Brother’ at bay

Internet, email, computer security

Top Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Welcome to a bunch of data links re: securing your information/ internet life. I have built this simple ‘tutorial’ to help those concerned about computer safety, as we head into a “Brave New World” where our personal privacy is likely to come under increased political & governmental threat.

I am not about to claim the mantle of ‘security guru’, sorry. I am, however, a guy who has some 50+ years of software engineering experience. I am, also, a guy who believes very strongly in personal privacy and free-speech.

With those givens, I am happy to share a curated list of internet resources that should provide you with a basic understanding of personal computing security issues. With any luck, this document will provide you with ideas and materials from which to construct a ‘more secure and private’ computing environment.

I have grouped links, roughly by subject area. Be advised there is considerable over-lap ‘everywhere’ in this article. It is unavoidable. Also, know that the materials here are only intended to help get you started.

There are thousands of additional freely available articles and tutorials across the internet. Do not refrain from looking further. Explore as you need, or as the spirit moves you.

Here is the curated list of materials I promised.

Computer Security Basics

Online (Internet Browsing) Computer Security

VPN Basics

Data Encryption

Email Security

Government Spying

I’m almost certain I have forgotten to provide needed clues and pointers. Please let me know what you would like to see added.

A reader requested the following addition. It is a for fee non-fiction text:

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