I have constructed a help system for use on my MX Linux 18.3 bspwm desktop. As an old guy, I need all the memory help I can get! Also because I’m moving from my 10+ year xfce love affair to bspwm, a tiling manager; I want to learn my new desktop, as quickly as I am able. All this is to say because on bspwm there is a huge number of keyboard short-cuts/ keybindings and options, I have constructed help built using the following tools and structures. Be advised, my efforts seem portable to environments such as xfce as well as i3wm, herbstluftwm, etc.
My help system is constructed using Rofi, Yad, awk, sxhkd, bspwm, csv, and scripts are the technological components.
- Rofi: Rofi is used to present keybinding help information. (I have tried using terminals, but they are not nearly as readable nor as ‘elegant’ (my biased opinion).
- awk: awk is used to access and reformat data for presentation in Rofi for me to read/ use.
- sxhkd: sxhkd is used to provide links to the numerous scripts I have created and read my csv helpfiles (defined generally as Super + F<99>.
- Yad: Yad is used to provide a system-wide menu from which to access my various helpfiles. These are also accessible via Super + Fxx in bspwm.
- csv: I have created or access and build, some 5 csv files.
- Scripts: I have created 5 scripts tat access, format, and prepare information for desktop presentation.
I have provided access to a few images that demonstrate (show) my little environment ‘at work’. I will provide access to all my ‘sundry’ dotfiles, shortly.
I am certain there are many folks who could/can do this better than I am/was able. I’d love to hear from you so I can make things better. Enjoy.