20 Dec. 2020
26 Apr. 2023

The following Panels & Menus are intended for Linux/Unix use.  These tools represent a much lighter weight set of panels & menus (consuming less memory) than those more typically found on Linux Desktop Environments such as gnome, KDE, etc.  Generally, these are used on Linux/ Unix window managers such as: bspwm, dwm, fluxbox, herbstluftwm, i3wm, jwm, openbox, xmonad …

This list is not exhaustive. Yes, there are more.  However, this should give you a decent starting point for your investigations.

(Click on a label to access information on ‘that panel’.)

  1. adeskbar
  2. bmpanel2
  3. dmenu
  4. docky
  5. dwm bar
  6. fbpanel
  7. i3status
  8. j4-dmenu-desktop
  9. jgmenu
  10. lemonbar
  11. lxpanel
  12. plank
  13. polybar
  14. pypanel
  15. rofi
  16. tint2
  17. xfce-panel
  18. xlunch
  19. yabar