Toggle Touchpad (on/off)

If you find yourself in need of a script to toggle your touchpad on/off (because like me, your pc does not have a function key for that purpose), this may help.

# This shell script is PUBLIC DOMAIN. You may do whatever you want with it.
# In the commands below 13 is a variable to be identified with xinput list
# Updated & edited by ManyRoads


if [ ! -e $TOGGLE ]; then
    touch $TOGGLE
    xinput disable 13
    notify-send -u low -i mouse --icon=/usr/share/icons/HighContrast/256x256/status/touchpad-disabled.png "Trackpad disabled"
    rm $TOGGLE
    xinput enable 13
    notify-send -u low -i mouse --icon=/usr/share/icons/HighContrast/256x256/devices/input-touchpad.png "Trackpad enabled"