When they deport undesirables; here is what I see.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Illegal Immigrant.
Words similar to these have been used before—to justify unspeakable horrors inflicted upon vast populations.
Why is this happening? Who benefits?
Let me show you what I see when these topics are discussed, debated, and implemented today.

There is a website on the Internet aptly titled:
Statistics of the Holocaust
Statistics and Deportation of the Jewish Population from the German Reich
Because the site is entirely in German, I have translated its introduction into English using a combination of DeepL, ChatGPT, and my own German.
The focus of this website is the systematic compilation of statistics on the Jewish population of Germany during the National Socialist era, integrating this statistical data into the documentation and verification of the number of deportees from selected regions of the German Reich. In addition to key statistical data, a large number of transport lists are made available online.
On the instructions of the Reich Main Security Office, the Reich Association of Jews in Germany compiled detailed reports containing information on the population, emigration, births, and deaths of Jews in the old Reich (including the Sudetenland). From autumn 1941, with the beginning of deportations from Germany, the term ‘emigration’ was also used in the statistics for the first time to refer to deportations. A significant number of these reports by the Reich Association have been preserved in various archives and provide an almost complete picture of Jewish population movements during the National Socialist era. The statistical data from the Reich Association also makes it possible to document the deportation of the Jewish population from Germany, as demonstrated by comparisons with deportation lists.
This website and the research behind it are privately initiated and funded. The author is not a historian, but has experience working with historical documents through visits to archives in Germany and abroad. The goal of the website is to provide documents and data from primary sources to support Holocaust research, with a focus on Germany. The author concentrates on the historical-statistical aspect of the deportations, as gaps remain in the existing literature. The website highlights areas requiring further clarification and, where possible, offers solutions—without presenting a fundamental interpretation. In this respect, the website serves as both a resource and a data collection for historians and interested readers.
If you visit the site, you will see a header menu. I recommend exploring its major sections.
Under “Statistik der Juden” (Statistics of the Jews), you will find a compiled inventory of so-called “undesirable” Jews in the German Reich. If you want to read the full text, you will need to translate each webpage—but be aware that some translators are far better than others. Scanned images, of course, are not ‘automagically’ translatable.
Under “Deportationsliste” (Deportation Lists), you will find records of almost every Jewish train that left the German Fatherland for the East. The names. The addresses. The individuals who were packed into those trains and taken to their deaths.
Look at the lists. Remember—they were people. They loved. They lived. They had hopes, dreams, and aspirations. They were murdered for political gain and out of blind hatred.

Millions were complicit. Millions participated.
Are we heading down a similar path?
Should we be?
Who benefits?
Cui bono?
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