antiX- Openbox Prototype available

open box

Hello ‘sports fans’

I have created & uploaded a copy (installable snapshot) of a draft-alpha (prototype?) version of antiX-openbox. It is built using the alpha2 version of antiX19.

Obviously, this, like my xfce version, is not a production piece of software. It is simply provided so you may see what I’m building and can use this as a guide to build something much better. (I know you can.)

The install is a bit funky, I must have borked something in the snapshoting process; and, the fix is not obvious to me. It’ll get fixed “down the road”; but, here’s an easy work around.

  1. Load the iso image using the provided snaphot link (below).
  2. Once you get to the Login screen… use demo/demo as username & password.
  3. After you are logged in, you’ll note there is no install icon (my bad). To install the software, simply open a terminal window and enter the following:
sudo minstall

From there everything is normal. Play around, see how things work (or break). As I develop better installs, I’ll make them available in the directory below (save the link if you want to see newer stuff, later).

Once you login to your installed version, you should click on the menu icon (bottom left) >>>Advanced Settings >>> Obmenu-Generator >>> Refresh Cache (that will get your menu icons back, I hope.)

Two screenshots:

Just in case this little note slipped by, do not use this as production software. It is for testing and learning purposes only.

Here’s a link (to the download folder):